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peekay a gagné pour la dernière fois le 10 avril 2018

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  1. lol on parle bien de Transport Québec.... poser la question c'est y répondre.
  2. Nice! I really hoped it would be curved and not angled like that. Too bad. Still looks amazing though. I love the fact that it was entirely financed by a private mtl company! Awesome!
  3. Very interesting. When I read that recommendation, stupid me thought of a tower with 10 storey high stilts for preserving the view of the river and Vicoria Bridge (I assume). Now I see other options exist. Anyway, Broccolini is the only developer in the city that can make this right.
  4. My guess is we will get a 4DX cinema there.
  5. peekay

    Kodak d'Or 2023 ​

    Je repete mon opinion par rapport au prix de photo de l'année. Selon moi, ca devrait etre soit @Brick ou bien @daniel_88. @mtlurb Est-ce que tu peux extraire les posts ayant les plus grand nombre de likes? Il y a surement un fonction dans le backend BD non? Si oui, la tâche de kool sera facile. Tu peux soit calculer les likes dans ce fil ou globalement à travers le site.
  6. Wow spectacular. Although, I cant help to think what would've been if we weren't overrun by nimbys. Probably at least 3 50-60 story condo towers. Maybe in 50 years.
  7. Shake Shack in just 8 months baby!
  8. A pizza chain from Montreal is opening its first Toronto location, but some locals aren't thrilled. Locals in the Beaches noticed that a vacant retail space on the west border of Kew Gardens is sporting some new signage: a location of Pizzeria No.900 is set to take over the space that had previously been a cannabis dispensary. Pizzeria No. 900 is an institution for high-quality sit-down pizza in Quebec, boasting 29 locations across the province, plus one in France, since it began 15 years ago and now it seems they're expanding their operations to Toronto. While a new go-to neighbourhood pizza restaurant seems like a great thing, some locals in the neighbourhood are not too thrilled. Folks were quick to point out the massive volume of pizza restaurants within a small area along Queen East, suggesting that perhaps the space would be better suited for a different type of business. "There are 10, count'em 10 other pizzerias within a 1.8 km radius of them....Otherside, Pizza Nova, Pizzaville, 6ix Pizzas, Pizza Depot, Pizzaiola and of course (for the brave) there are slices at Circle K," reads the post in a neigbourhood FaceBook that broke the news. "I think the City passed a new bylaw that there has to be a pizza place to match every cannabis shop," jokes one commentor, poking fun at the huge number of dispensaries in the neighbourhood. But, while some critiqued the new business, others were quick to point out that the pizzeria will be a welcome addition to the neighbourhood. "Well, must say that this is a great Pizzeria chain. Really high end," defends one commentor, adding "t is a dine in, totally different of any other Pizzeria in the area. It is really good seriously." Another local pointed out that they're "[g]lad to see any new restaurant option fill the many vacancies," noting the slew of vacant storefronts along the strip of Queen East between Woodbine and Fallingbrook. If there's one thing that's for sure, pizza and cannabis go together like cookies and milk, so if the reports of huge numbers of both types of businesses in the area are true, perhaps Pizzeria No.900 is set up for guarenteed success in their new Toronto venture. Pizzeria No. 900 will be opening sometime next year at 1987 Queen St. East.
  9. peekay

    Travaux de voirie

    I can take your quote and apply it to every other major city in North America if not the world. Not just your quote but every one else's highly negative comment btw. In my opinion, a lot of them do not have any pride in their work and despise Montreal for whatever reason. They probably don't even live in the city they serve. This is a North American culture issue. If only we had pride and civility like the workers in cities like Tokyo (the largest city in the world). They ensure their city is clean as if their lives depend on it.
  10. Selon eux, il y aura 350 millions de retombées fiscales. Par contre, il n'y aura plus de concerts de ce genre. C'est un événement unique en son genre. Et, j'imagine que le retour sur investissement sera de 10 à 15 ans sans équipe sportive, peut-être 5-10 ans avec une équipe de la NFL. Bonne chance avec ça.
  11. It never made sense why she didn't come to Montreal. Now we know the truth... For shame !
  12. peekay

    Expos de Montréal

    I will use that when I simulate it in my VR Metaverse. The only change would be I would have real quebecois accent from the guy in the bar. The rest is superb. I look forward to recreating that whole storyline in an alternate VR world one day.
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